Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Letter O

Letter O, how exciting and fun to write! Our theme for the week was ocean. I have always enjoyed the ocean. I love all of the different animals that live there and how it seems like you are entering into another world. Our vocabulary words this week were: open, out, orange and on. Our books for the week were: Ox Cart Man by Donald Hall, Oscar, Me, and the Letter O by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyed, and My "O" Sound Box by Jane Belk Mancure.

These were our sentences this week:
The ox ran out.
The orange is on top.
Look at the ocean.
I love the zoo.

Our poem for the week was so much fun. The girls loved the hand motions that go along with it.
Once I saw an Octopus
Once I saw an octopus
In the deep blue sea. (Point downward)
I called, "Mr. Octopus,
Won't you swim with me?" (Cup hands around mouth)
Then out came his tentacles,
So very long and straight, (extend eight fingers.)
One and two and three and four,
Five and six, and seven and eight (Count on fingers).

For math time we looked at number 25. We practiced counting to 25 and writing the numeral and words. We also had orange octagon as our shape.

Our science vocabulary for the week was: octopus, otter, ostrich and ochagavia (flower). We also read about: An Ocean of Animals by Janine Scott, A Day in the Life: Grassland Animals: Ostrich by Louise Spilsbury, Octopuses by Ann Herriges, and Owls by Emily Rose Townsend.

With the end of this week it means we only have one more letter left to do. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Looking forward to next week!

Letter S

Sunny letter S! This week for us has certainly been sunny. The books we read this week were: The Sun is My Favorite Star by Frank Asch, My "S" Sound Box by Jane Belk  Moncure and Snow By Uri Shulevitz. Our vocabulary words for the week were: stop, shine, say, and sweet.

A and E practiced reading and writing with the following sentences:
See the swan swim,
The stars shine bright!
The snake slides.
Seashells by the sea.

Our poem for the week was:

I want a fat,
Squishy, squirreling squirrel
Scolding for a chestnut
Squealing for squash seeds.
A fat, squishy squirrel
Is all I want:
Only three of them-
Chip, Dale,  and Nylf.

I forgot to print out our Bible verse for the week but we did read the story of Samson.

For our science time we read: Sea Shells by Shari Skeie, Stars in the Sky by Allan Fowler, Shells by Betsy Franco, Seeds by Gail Saunders-Smith, Seals by Cari Meister. We also had some science vocabulary words: seal, sunflower, starfish, and swan. We also took some time to plant some seeds. I can't wait to we see the vegetables and and flowers coming up in a few weeks.

During math time we worked on writing and counting up to 24.

During social studies we read about Sacajawea by Joyce Milton and   by Kristen Schuetz.

For our art time we made dandelion seeds. We took a cotton ball, Q Tips, and pipe cleaners to make them. I also cut out shapes in different colors to make a larger art project with the different shapes. I was hoping the girls would make a house, or some interesting geometric design. I didn't get any pictues because we were out of town for a bit and my wonderful mother-in-law helped with the art time stuff. Off we go for another great week of learning! See you later.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Letter G

Greatness me, it is the letter G! Our theme for the week was glasses. Our books were: My "g" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, Gymnastics by Cynthia Klingel, Curious George Margaret and H.A. Rey, and Georgie by Robert Bright. Our vocabulary words were: go, God, good, great, and grapes. 

Our poem of the week was:
Good Luck Gold
By Janet S. Wong
When I was a baby
One month old,
My grandparents gave me
Good luck gold:
A golden ring
So soft it bends,
A golden necklace
Hooked at the ends,
A golden bracelet
With coins that say
I will  be rich 
And happy someday.

I wish that gold 
Would work real soon,
I need my luck 
This afternoon.

The sentences we wrote were:
See the swan swim?
The stars shine bright.
The snake slides.
Seashells by the sea.

We took some time counting to 23 and practicing recognizing numerals, written numbers and identify groups of objects and how many were in each group. We also looked at the color green in Seeing Green All Around Us by Sarah L. Schuette.

Our Bible verse was "Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17 Our Bible story was Samson.

In Social Studies time we read about Mohandas Gandhi by John Barraclough, Georgia by Lisa Owings. This book was a little advanced for A and E but good to skim and pull out bits of information. We also read about Jane Goodall by Jo S. Kittinger.

Goats by Emily K. Green and Gorillas by Mari Schuh were great for our science time. We also worked on increasing vocabulary by looking at and identifying: gorilla, gulper eel, gopher, goose, geranium, and goldenrod.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Letter C

Crazy letter C! Our theme for the week was cars. Our theme book was not the best but A and E enjoyed it nonetheless. I felt like it would have been better to go into more detail about how a car works or its parts. but mostly that comes down to me not looking at it enough before I brought it home. The book was by Colleen Ruck called Cars. I, Crocodile by Fred Marcellino, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, Clifford at the Circus by Norman Bridwell, The Caboose Who Got Loose by Bill Peet, and Clickety Clack by Rob and Amy Spence were our reading books for the week.

Our sentences for the week were:
Catch the cat!
The cougar got in the car.
The cup was cold.
The camel caught a cold.

Our vocabulary words were: cup, cat, cold, can, and catch.

Our bible verse for the week was from Acts 16:31 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved."

We worked on a heart shape this week and we also looked at the number 22.

Our science vocabulary for the week was: camel, cougar, clownfish, crab, cardinal, chrysanthemum, and columbine. E really enjoyed having a cardinal for our science bird this week because we have a cardinal that frequently visits a bush outside our kitchen window that she can see really easily. So, every time the bird sat in the bush she would comment on it and be so proud of herself for knowing what type of bird it was! Cheetah by Edana Eckart and Thanks to Cows by Allan Fowler were what we read for science time.

Christopher Columbus by Mary Dodson Wade and D is for Dancing Dragon by Carol Crane were the books we read for our social studies time.

In art time we made caterpillars. I found the idea on Pinterest. I made dots on the circles of different colors for the girls to practice counting and writing numbers with.

E writing her number on her circle.

A gluing on one of her circles.

E gluing on her spots for her caterpillar.

A and E showing their finished caterpillars.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Letter U

The letter U. Our theme for the week was utensils. Our vocabulary words for the week were: up, under, us. We read My "u" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, Umbrella by Taro Yashima. We also read Good Night, Little Kitten by Nancy Christensen for the girls to practice reading aloud.

Our sentences were:
The unicorn is up.
Do you play a ukulele?
I have unusual underwear.
Go under the umbrella.

Our poem for the week was:
Under My Umbrella by Jaymie Gerard

Under my umbrella
I like to feel the drops
Of rain-its happy tapping
of pitter-patter plops.

Under my umbrella
I like to feel a dash
Of water as it hits the ground
And rises with a splash.

Under my umbrella
I like to stay all dry
and enjoy the rain
As it falls down from the sky.

In Bible time our verse was "What time I am afraid, I will trust in You. Psalm 56:3" We just read whatever Bible stories we felt like because I couldn't think of any dealing with the letter U. Can you think of  any?

For our social studies time we read Utah by Sarah Tiev.

We had unicorn, urchin, umbrella bird, umbrella tree for our science vocabulary.

We didn't get to much done this week because we also were getting ready to celebrate E's FOURTH birthday. We had a great time celebrating her and the joy she has brought to our lives!

Letter J

Jumping letter J. Our theme for the week was jungle.This week we didn't have a lot of books but A and E enjoyed them. We read Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy Shaw, Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow, and Jamberry by Bruce Degen. Our vocabulary words for the week were: jump, jeep, jelly, and jewelry (that was for A who loves all things shiny!)

Our sentences for the week were:
Jack jumped high.
Ride in the Jeep.
There is a jaguar.
I jog in jelly!
Ride in the Jeep.
My Jello jiggles.
The jewelry is sparkly.

Our Bible verse for the week was from Acts 16:31 "Believe ontheLord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." We also read some stories about Jesus.

In science time we read about Jaguars by Jason Cooper. Our science vocabulary was: junco, juniper, jaguar, jelly fish,

For social studies time we read about Thomas Jefferson by Simone T. Ribke and Jamaica by Lisa Owings.

We also had to sing 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed everyday! In the past we have made  a jelly fish but we did get to that this week.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Letter R

 Ravishing letter R! Our theme for the week was rainbows! The books we read this wee were: Raquel and the Letter R by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyed, Rusty Red The Sound of R by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyed, Velveteen RabbitThe Big Road Race by Stan and Jan Berenstain, and The Little Red Caboose by Marian Potter.

Our sentences this week were:
Do you run?
Read the new book.
Run away from the rhino!
Aunt Rena rings the bells.
The rabbit ran.
I hear the radio.

Our vocabulary words were: rainbow, ring, rain, rabbit, rope, run, and radio.

Our Bible verse was from Deuteronomy 26:11 "Rejoice in every good thing the LORD your God has given you."

For our science time we looked at some pitutres of: roadrunner, raccoon, rhino, ray, and rose. We also read about Raccoons in the Dark by Jean Claude O'Mara.

For our social studies time we read about Betsy Ross by Wil Mara.

For our art time we made rainbows. I drew the letter R on a blank piece of paper. I pulled out scrapes of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple construction paper. The girls glued the paper pieces in order for a rainbow. A didn't want to stay in the lines to much and we didn't have enough blue paper so they drew that color in. The girls had so much fun with this simple project!
A gluing on her purple portion to her rainbow.

E cutting her purple pieces.

Letter B

Beautiful, bountiful letter B! For our reading time we read: Berlioz the Bear by Jan Brett,
Bathtime for Biscuit by Alyssa Satin, Bernard, Me, and the Letter B by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyd, Cowgirl Rosie and Her Five Baby Bison by Stephen Gulbis, My "b" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, and Blackberry Banquet by Terry Pierce.  Our vocabulary words for the week were: big, boy, ball, blue, and bee. Our theme for the week was butterfly.

Our poem for the week was:
Butterly, butterfly, whence do you come?
I know not, I ask not, I never had a home.
Butterfly, butterfly, where do you go?
Where the sun shines, and where the buds grow.

Our sentences for the week were:
The bison is brown.
The boys play ball. (We did this two times!)
The bee buzzed by.
The butterfly is blue.
See the bright ball?
Please buy butter.
The boat bounced.

During our Bible time we read about the Tower of Bable. Our verse this week was: "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Pslam 150:6

One day my husband and I were talking about some math stuff. A and E overheard us and wanted to do some mathematics too. So we gave them some simple addition problems and they did amazing! The numbers didn't total about 10 but they were able to do them all with just a little guidance from us. We also looked at the number 18.

Some other books we read were: Benjamin Franklin by Wil Mara, You Have Healthy Bones! by Susan DerKazarian, Butterflies by Gail Saunders-Smith (this one goes over the stages of the butterfly in one sentence at a time), Butterflies by Martha E.H. Rustad (this one has lots more details on butterflies and their changes). We also looked at some pictures of a bluebird, buttercups, bluebell flowers, bison, baluga whale and, beaver.

A is really interested in dancing so we read Beautiful Ballerinas by Elizabeth Dombey. Also we listened to Riimsky Korsakov's Flight of the Bumblebees.

Letter P

Pretty like P. Our letter P was an interesting week that we had a great week of learning with. Some of the books we read this week were: Pirate Pete's Talk Like a Pirate by Kim Kennedy, Papa is a Pirate by Katharina Grossmann-Hensel, Peter Pan and The Prince and the Pauper (both of these were the Disney versions but we have read Barrie's original story of Peter Pan.)

Our poem for the week was:

I am a bird you know quite well,
All dressed in black and white.
And even though I do have wings
They're not designed for flight.
I waddle, waddle, waddle.

Our sentences for the week were:
See the pink pig?
I'm a pick pocket!
A watches popcorn pop.
The platypus eats pickles!
We will paint peacocks.
Are you a pirate?

Our Bible verse was from Romans 3:23 "All people have sinned and come short of the glory of God." We also read about Peter.

For our science time we looked at some pictures of a penguin, poppy, panda, puffer fish. We also read about a few of these animals. Macaroni Penguin by Edana Eckart, Giant Pandas by Edana Eckart and Peacocks by Mandy R. Marx were great for learning about these animals. We also learned a little bit about Pluto Dwarf Planet by Christine Taylor-Butler. Also a spaceship call New Horizons is set to arrive to Pluto this year. It might be interesting to see if I can find some pictures later from this ship!

For our social studies  time we read about Poahontas by Lola M. Schaefer and Presidents from Eyewitness Books. For the presidents book we just looked through the different presidents and I would say their names. I highlighted and went into more detail with the greater known presidents.

In math time we talked about the number 17 and pyramids. We also did a little matching game. Below are pictures. I took stickers (who doesn't have a ton of stickers with little ones??)  and put them on index cards. I also wrote the numeral and the word for the numbers on separate index cards. The girls then worked on matching up the numerals and the stickers correctly. We did 1 through 10 and then we tried 11 through 20. I then laid out the words and the girls took turns matching up their numbers to the correct words.

For our art time we made peacocks. I gave A and E coffee filters to paint with watercolors. 

I then cut out a bowling pin shape. I put eyes, a nose, and two little feet on them.

A and E then glued the peacock bodies on to the feathers they had painted.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Letter D

Dazzling letter D! How much fun have we had with the letter D. We had another great round of books again this week with: Dashing Dog by Margaret Magy, Lucky Ducklings by Eva Moore, One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root, The Digging-est Dog by Al Perkins, My"d" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, and Daisy, My Dad, and the Letter D by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyed. Our vocabulary words were: dog, deer, deep, desk, and dive. The girls enjoyed their sentences this week, especially the last one!

Don't wake the dinosaur!
Dingos dig in the dirt.
The dolphin dove.
Drive down the dam?
Don't dig in the dirt!
Daisy Duck kissed E!

Our poem for the week was:
Down in the dell
Sat the little doggie Nell
There she dillied and she dallied all
Day, day, day.
She dug up a bone
And dashed away home
Where down in her bed she did
Lay, lay, lay.

Our bible verse was from Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. We also read the story about Daniel

For science time we looked at a dove, dolphin, dahlia and donkeys. We read about Bottlenose Dolphins by Edana Eckart, A Pod of Dolphins by Matthew Fenner, Life in the Desset by Alison Auchapel.

In math we looked at the number 16 and  read about Days by Pam Scheunemann and A Day by Robin Nelson.

Our social studies time we read about Walt Disney by Sarah Tieck. We also learned about Dentists by Cari Meistersinger.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Letter W

Wonderful letter W! A and E really liked our poem this week:

When the wind is in the east,
'Tis neither good for man nor beast;
When the wind is in the north,
The skilful fisherman goes not forth;
When the wind is in the south,
It blows the bait in the fishes' mouth;
When the wind is in the west,
The 'tis at the very best.

Our vocabulary words were: walk, water, west, and winter. We enjoyed reading The Wind Blew by Pat Hutchins and Nice Wheels by Gwendolyn Hooks. This book was easy enough for A and E to read. We also did a lot of writing this week:

I went walking.
We had winter weather.
The water is warm.
Do you walk in the winter?
The west wind blows.
Jesus walks on water!

Our Bible verse was: "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Colossians 3:16 and we read about Jesus walking on water.

We did a lot of science reading books this week: Earth's Water Cycle by Robin Nelson, The Water Cycle by Craig Hammersmith, Water by Robin Nelson, Wind by Erin Edison, Wolves by William Ripple, Whales by Cari Meister, and Winter by Ann Herriges. We also looked at walrus, warthog, wolf, woodpecker and watsonia.

In our social studies time we read about George Washington by Pamela Hill Nettleton,
Washington by Susan Labella, Wright Brothers by Lisa Wade McCormick. We looked at maps with a book called - World Atlas by Nick Crane

A Week by Robin Nelson also was good to go over the days of the week. We also practiced parallelograms.

For art time we made snow flakes for the winter season. I had A and e draw three lines on a piece of paper.  I had them draw one across, one from top to bottom, then diagonally through the other two lines. The girls cut out pieces of aluminum foil and glued them to the lines to make the snowflake. We also make watermelons. I cut out a red letter W. The girls drew a line around the outside of the letter W and then color it in with green to make the rind. The girls drew black dots on the W to make the seeds.

A cutting out pieces to glue on for her snowflake.

E practicing cutting for her snowflake.

E and A showing off their snowflakes.

A coloring around her W to make the rind for her watermelon.

E coloring her watermelon seeds.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Letter M

Magnificent letter M! Our theme for the week was moon. Faces of the Moon by Bob Crelin was really good for explaining the moon phases and when they can be seen during the day. The Mitten by Jan Brett and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff are always fun.  Munch! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming was a fun book we read this week. Our vocabulary words for the week were: mouse, monkey, music, mirror, moon, mitten and mountain.

We had some fun sentences this week to write:

The mice saw the men.
The manatee moved!
Mommy went marching.
Smell the marigolds.
I went to the moon.
We moved on Monday.

Our poem is one of my favorites and went well with our theme this week:

I see the moon
and the moon sees me.
God bless the moon
and God bless me.

When I see the moon
and the stars so bright,
I thank the Lord
for day and night.

In our Bible time we read about Moses. Our Bible verse came from Colossians 3:2 "your minds on things above, not on earthly things."


For our math time we learned about All About Money by Erin Roberson. This book was great for introducing the values of the coins and did some early addition with coins. We also read Months by Robin Nelson. We also greatly enjoyed singing the months song.

Mars the Red Planet by Lincoln James

Face to Face with Manatees by Brian Skerry was one of our science books. The text was pretty dense and a little bit above A and E but it was good for pulling out bits of information to tell them about manatees. We also looked at mockingbird, moose, marigolds, manatees and muskrat.

We didn't do an art project to go along with the letter M. But we did make our own snowflakes to go along with this winter season.

A coloring her snowflake.

E putting some sparkly stickers on her snowflake.

The finished snowflakes.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Letter K

Kicky letter K! We had an enjoyable time learning about the letter K. Our books were:

Clifford's Kitten by Norman Bridwell, A Kiss for Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik, My "k" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, and The Kite by Mary Packard. The Kite was an easy read. So easy in fact that the girls were able to read me this book with some help here and there.

These are the sentences we wrote:
Katie flies a kite,
See the kangaroo kick?
I kicked the king.
I like kangaroos. (The girls picked what they liked that began with the letter k.)
Karl  flew a kite.
Can I kiss the koala?
We like books.
Do you like pink?

Our poem was:
The March wind is calling,
"Come fly your kite!"
The wind is blowing
With all its might.
The kites are tossing
In the sky.
The wind is calling,
"Come fly up high."

Our Bible verse this week was:  Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another. We also read a lot of stories about King Solomon.

Our shape was diamonds.  

In our science time we read about a variety of animals. Watch Aniimals Grow: Kittens by Colleen Sexton was enjoyable for A and E.  Kangaroos by Jolyon Goddard and Koalas by Jen Green were very advanced for the girls but we pulled out a few bits of information here and there. There was a picture slightly disturbing to the girls in the Kangaroo book. We also looked at some pictures of a kookaburra, koala, kangaroo and krill.

In history we read about Helen Keller by Sean Dolan.

Our art time was  spent making kites. I cut out a letter K. The girls cut out diamonds and glued the letter and diamond on to their paper. Then they took some of my scrape ribbon to glue it on for the tail.

 We also had some fun this week cutting out snowflakes and playing with snow dough! I took six parts baking soda and one part conditioner and mixed them together. It created a nice packing density and had a great scent because of the conditioner. I placed it in a container and it has stayed fresh for awhile.

Letter Z

Zany letter Z! Because we were close to Christmas when we began Z we didn't spend a whole lot of time with this letter. Also, I think most kids recognize and pick up on this letter pretty fast.

The books we read this week were: Z See it, Say it, Hear it by Kelly Doudna, 1 Zany Zoo by Lori Degman, Always Lots of Heinies at the Zoo by Ayun Halliday, If I Ran a Zoo and On Beyond Zebra both by Dr. Seuss. Going to a Zoo by Rebecca Rissman and At the Zoo by Dana Meachan Rare were also good for basic information regarding zoos.

For our sentences this week we only got in one day. The girls wrote "I went to the zoo." and "Look at the zebra!"

Our Bible verse was Matthew 5:14 You are the light of the world.

For our science pictures we looked at zinnia, zebra, zooplankton.

We also made a zebra out of the letter Z. I cut out a white letter z, two triangle ears and a nose. I had the girls glue on the pieces and then they cut the black stripes and glued them on to give their zebras stripes.

Letter A

Amazing letter A. Our theme this week was apples. We read some books that A and E had a great time with: Albert Albatross by Syd Hoff, My A Sound Box and Short A and Long A Play a Game by Jane Belk Moncure, 10 Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss, My Apple Tree by David Bauer, How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman, The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall.

Our poem was An Apple Pie:
An apple pie, when it looks nice,
Would make one long to have a slice,
But if the taste should prove so, too,
I fear one slice would scarcely do.
So to prevent me asking twice,
Pray, Mamma, cut a good large slice.

The sentences we wrote this week were:
I ate a apple.
Do you like acorns?
I like Australia,
The rat has a hat.
The cat sat on a mat.

In math time we worked on the number 13. We also began a little addition. We had an introductory book called Help Me Learn Addition by Jean Marzollo. I also made up a few worksheets that A and E enjoyed. I took stickers and put them down. I wrote the numeral below the stickers. Then A and E would add the numbers together and write the total on the line. I kept this activity really simple. I don't think the total number added any higher than seven.

Our science animals were: albatross,  aster, antelope, and abalone.

In our social studies time we read about Johnny Appleseed. A good book for him was by Christin Ditenfield.

Letter N

Our vocabulary words for the week were: new, no, noun, next, nut, and name.

Some books we enjoyed this were were: Naps The Sound of N by Cynthia Klingel, The Napping House by Audrey and Don Wood and Noah's Ark by Linda Hayward.

Our sentences for writing were:
I have a new nut.
Now is number nine.
I have a new newt.
You live in New York?
Your name is a noun.
The moon is out at night.

Love one another. from 1 John 3:23 was our Bible verse.

In science we looked at a nightingale, a narwhal, and a numbat. We had a great book on narwhals but I lost the title.

We also learned about Florence Nightingale. Again, there was a good book about her too. I think it was a junior biography book.

We also made necklaces. Here A is stringing her beads on the thread. I taped her opposite end so the beads wouldn't fall off. This helped her a lot and eased a lot of frustration when the beads fell off.

We actually did letter N around Thanksgiving (yes, I am far, really far behind) so we made some turkeys. I found this great idea on Pinterest. We cut up a toilet paper tube roll and then the girls painted it.

E is cutting some lines I drew on the tp roll. This was good practice for cutting skills.
A is painting her turkey.

Letter V

Our theme for the week was vegetables.

We didn't have very many books this week. But, we did enjoy: I Eat Vegetables by Hannah Tofts, The Vegetables we Eat by Gail Gibbons, and Volcanoes: Mountains that Blow their Tops by Nicholas Nirgiotis.

Our vocabulary words were: vocabulary, van, volcano, and violin.

The sentences we wrote this week were:
Can you play the violin?
We rode in the van.
Do you take vitamins?
We eat vegetables.
Watch the vulture fly.
Did you smell the violets?

Our poem for the week was The Letter V by Katrina Lybbert:

The Letter V, the Letter V,
How I love the letter V.
Violin, vegetable, volcano, van.
I can say V words,
Now see if you can!

"Everyone who calls on the name of The Lord will be saved." from Romans 10:13 was our Bible verse.

Science time we looked at a vampire bat, vulture, and violet.

Volleyball by Ray McClellan was a sport we decided to learn about a little.

Meet the Orchestra by Ann Hayes was also good for instruments. We tried to do some stuff with my violin and listening to some music by Antonio Vivaldi.

During our art time we made a volcano. I found the idea below on Pinterest. I cut out a red letter V and two tall green triangles. The girls glued the pieces together to make it look like a volcano.

Building the volcano.

Getting ready to paint the lava coming out.

The finished volcanoes.