Monday, September 15, 2014

Letter I

Our fourth week of school! After a month of doing something it becomes a habit, right? Well, at least we are doing a better job of staying on track than we did last year. For our reading time we read: Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni, How do Dinosaurs Say I Love You by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague, Imagination and the Letter I by Cynthia Klingel. Our poem for this week was Inchworm by Katrina Lybbert:

Inchworm, inchworm on the ground,
Crawling slowly, not a sound,
Do you wonder what you'll see,
When you pass beyond that tree?

Careful now, my little friend,
A bird is just around the bend,
Better hide inside that tree,
Where you'll be safe and free!

Our vocabulary words were: inside, ice, island, itch, and inch.

Our Bible verse was: I am with you always. Mth 28:20

For our math time we read  My Four Book by Jane Belk Moncure. Our color was indigo. We also talked about inches. I had the girls pick four objects to measure. This helped us talk about length and width. We took a small ruler and measured the objects. We wrote down the measurements in their notebooks and they drew a picture of what they measured.

A measuring one of her objects.
E counting how tall her cup is.
E and A drawing the objects they measured.

For our social studies time we read about Indiana by Judith Jensen Hyd.

For our art project I cut out a letter I and three ice cream scoops. The girls glued the I and scoops of ice cream.

Now to leave you with a little cuteness!

A, E, and AM all together.

AM, the youngest. How can you not smile at this face?

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Letter H

The letter H seemed to go a little better this week. The books we read this week were: Once there was a house, a house that was a Home by Alex T. Smith, My "h" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, Old Hat, New Hat and The Honey Hunt by Stan and Jan Berenstain, and Hello by Kelly Doudna. Our poem for the week was the Horse's Tail by James McDonald:

The tail of a horse,
Helps it stay on its course
Wherever it's running around.
It doesn't use force,
To help guide the horse
And it makes just a slight
Swooshing sound.

The girls enjoyed this poem because we did some motions with it. If I don't have some silly motions to add to it they aren't as interested in learning the poem. So, I have been changing my poems from our last time of the alphabet and the girls seem to enjoy them more.

We also sang the Hokey Pokey. This was good to help work on left and right again.

Our Bible verse was: And do not grieve the Holy Spirit. Eph. 4:30

For our math time we read My Three Book by Jane Belk Moncure. Our shape for the week was a hexagon. We counted by hundreds a little bit when we could.

For our science time we looked at: herons, harp seal, hibiscus, hippos, hedgehog, horses. We read a book called Horses by Sheryl Doyle. We also looked at Honey Bees and Honey by Lola Schaefer and I Wish I Were a Humpback Whales by Christina Jordan.

For our social studies time we read Exploring the State of Hawaii by Emily Rose Oachs.

For our art time I cut out a letter H and a triangle. We put the triangle on top to make a house. I also drew a dotted outline of four hearts and the girls practiced tracing the hearts. I was going to do it with paints and got lazy and didn't want to deal with a mess.

Letter L

The Letter L! We enjoyed this week, somewhat. The girls are realizing the new routine of school and having school again on a regular basis. They weren't that excited about the poem this week. Our books for this week were: The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge by Hildegarde H. Swift, My "l" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle, Leila at the Library by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyed, and The Little Island by Margret Wise Brown.

We enjoyed singing I'm a Little Teapot.

For our Bible time our verse was: The Lord bless you and keep you. Numbers 6:24

In science our words were: lobster, llama, lilac, leopard, and lorikeet. We also read a book called Lions by Clara Reade. We looked at leaves in a book called Exploring Leaves by Kristin Sterling and Little Hands Leaves by Ruth Thomson.

For social studies we read: A Day with Librarians by Jodie Shepherd, Exploring the States Louisiana by Lisa Owings, Abraham Lincoln by David and Patricia Armentrout

For our art time we made ladybugs.