Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Letter O

Letter O, how exciting and fun to write! Our theme for the week was ocean. I have always enjoyed the ocean. I love all of the different animals that live there and how it seems like you are entering into another world. Our vocabulary words this week were: open, out, orange and on. Our books for the week were: Ox Cart Man by Donald Hall, Oscar, Me, and the Letter O by Cynthia Klingel and Robert B. Noyed, and My "O" Sound Box by Jane Belk Mancure.

These were our sentences this week:
The ox ran out.
The orange is on top.
Look at the ocean.
I love the zoo.

Our poem for the week was so much fun. The girls loved the hand motions that go along with it.
Once I saw an Octopus
Once I saw an octopus
In the deep blue sea. (Point downward)
I called, "Mr. Octopus,
Won't you swim with me?" (Cup hands around mouth)
Then out came his tentacles,
So very long and straight, (extend eight fingers.)
One and two and three and four,
Five and six, and seven and eight (Count on fingers).

For math time we looked at number 25. We practiced counting to 25 and writing the numeral and words. We also had orange octagon as our shape.

Our science vocabulary for the week was: octopus, otter, ostrich and ochagavia (flower). We also read about: An Ocean of Animals by Janine Scott, A Day in the Life: Grassland Animals: Ostrich by Louise Spilsbury, Octopuses by Ann Herriges, and Owls by Emily Rose Townsend.

With the end of this week it means we only have one more letter left to do. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. Looking forward to next week!

Letter S

Sunny letter S! This week for us has certainly been sunny. The books we read this week were: The Sun is My Favorite Star by Frank Asch, My "S" Sound Box by Jane Belk  Moncure and Snow By Uri Shulevitz. Our vocabulary words for the week were: stop, shine, say, and sweet.

A and E practiced reading and writing with the following sentences:
See the swan swim,
The stars shine bright!
The snake slides.
Seashells by the sea.

Our poem for the week was:

I want a fat,
Squishy, squirreling squirrel
Scolding for a chestnut
Squealing for squash seeds.
A fat, squishy squirrel
Is all I want:
Only three of them-
Chip, Dale,  and Nylf.

I forgot to print out our Bible verse for the week but we did read the story of Samson.

For our science time we read: Sea Shells by Shari Skeie, Stars in the Sky by Allan Fowler, Shells by Betsy Franco, Seeds by Gail Saunders-Smith, Seals by Cari Meister. We also had some science vocabulary words: seal, sunflower, starfish, and swan. We also took some time to plant some seeds. I can't wait to we see the vegetables and and flowers coming up in a few weeks.

During math time we worked on writing and counting up to 24.

During social studies we read about Sacajawea by Joyce Milton and   by Kristen Schuetz.

For our art time we made dandelion seeds. We took a cotton ball, Q Tips, and pipe cleaners to make them. I also cut out shapes in different colors to make a larger art project with the different shapes. I was hoping the girls would make a house, or some interesting geometric design. I didn't get any pictues because we were out of town for a bit and my wonderful mother-in-law helped with the art time stuff. Off we go for another great week of learning! See you later.