Friday, November 14, 2014

Letter E

We started letter E this week our theme was eggs. Our vocabulary words for the week were: easy, East, early, and exit.

Our poem for the week was:
I Bought a Dozen New-Laid Eggs,
Of good old farmer Dickens,
I hobbled home upon two legs,
And found them full of chickens.  

The Bible verse for the week was from Romans 10:13 - Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

 For science we looked at Electricity. I found a book but it was a little too advanced for the girls. We also looked at elephant seals, elk, eucalyptus flower, and eel.

In our social studies time we read about Thomas Edison, which went along well with electricity.

For art time we made an E, Elephant out of construction paper.

E gluing on her elephant ears. (Look at all the E's in that sentence!)

A and E's finished 'Elephant's.

We have started adding in some writing. I like this because it helps with our reading skills too. I try to incorporate our letter for the week into the sentence as much as I can. This has also helped to introduce punctuation.

Letter F

The letter F was our next letter and our theme was frog. Our vocabulary words were: fish, fun, fan, flag, fly.

Our poem was

"Yaup, yaup, yaup!"
Said the Frog as he hopped away:
"The insects feed
On the floating weeed,
And I'm hungry for dinner today."

 "Yaup, yaup, yaup!"
Said the Frogs; "It is charming weather;
We'll come and sup,
When the moon is up,
And we'll all of us croak together."

We had some great books this week were Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister and
The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss. We had some others but I returned them to the library and can't find the paper I wrote them on!

Our Bible verse was from Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

For our math time we looked at a rectangle and the number five.

In our science time we looked at ferret, flounder, flamingo, and flax. We read a little bit about flamingos.

Social Studies we read about Franklin Roosevelt and Florida. We also read a bit about fire safety. This was good for the girls because I haven't done this much. We talked about how to leave a room during a fire. We looked at a fireman's gear and how they are helpful during a fire.

We had lots of fun singing Five Little Speckled Frogs. We were a little slow this week because we had some illness going around our house. Hopefully we can catch up soon.