Thursday, November 14, 2013

Week 22: The Letter V

For the letter V our theme was vegetables. We had fun talking about veggies and we got out our plastic food supply to sort out the food into the different groups: veggies, fruit, dairy and meats. We enjoyed talking about the different names of the veggies and how different they all looked. Our vocab words for the week were: vase, violin, vacuum, vest and van. I was also able to pull out my violin and play some music for the girls. I found two great poems for the week. The first was The Letter V by Katrina Lybbert:
The letter V, the letter V,
How I love the letter V.
Violin, vegetable, volcano, van.
I can say V words,
Now see if you can!

The second poem was Healthy Vegetables be Jean Warren:
I ate a red tomato,
The biggest I have seen.
I ate a long zucchini,
It was the color green.

I ate some yellow corn
That was sweet as sweet could be.
When I eat my colors,
I know I'm healthy!

Our books for the week were: Victoria's vacation and the Letter V by Cynthia Klingel and Robert Noyed, My "V" Sound Box by Jane Belk Moncure, How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Mark Teague, The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams.

Our Bible verse was from Romans 10: 13 "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

In our math time we talked about things that were vertical and the color violet.

In science time we looked at vultures,  violets, vampire bats. We enjoyed reading about volcanoes. Two books that were enjoyable were: Volcanoes: Mountains that Blow their Tops by Nicholas Nirgiotis and Volcanos by Rochelle Baltzer.

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